OMG, I Declared an Old Guy "Really Hot"

I watched the season premier of Bones last night off the TiVo. It was a must watch for me since David Boreanaz is on it. I miss Angel. Afterwards, Sugar Daddy and I discussed it a bit (we think it may not last but we liked it) and I said, "The guy who plays her boss is really hot."

SD said, "He's, like, 100 years old."

I vehemently denied it, "Nuh-huh, he so is not!"

SD countered, "Look it up on IMDB."

A digression here. We love It's settled many arguments in our house and is always good for the 'who was the guy in...' questions. I would guess we're on it every week, at least once.

So, I looked it up. His name is Jonathan Adams and he was born in...1958! Oy. I had to eat crow on that one. He was also one of the Dads on American Dreams, a show we really dug that didn't make it. Neither of us recognized him from that, though.

SD would argue that this is a sign that I'm getting old - being attracted to old guys.

I, of course, disagree. But, I am going to start checking birthdates before declaring "Really Hot" status on someone. ;-)

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