We Now Return To Our Regularly Scheduled Program

After freaking us out for several weeks, Shorty is home. 
Well, not exactly in his home. 
When I called this morning, he'd hopped in the truck to go meet someone for coffee.  This, after he promised me he'd take it easy today since he only got out of the hospital yesterday afternoon.  He's probably going to get his hair cut, too.  I guess that's his idea of taking it easy.  I have to admit that, after being cooped up for almost three weeks, I'd be out roaming around, too.
So, it's back to 'normal' for me.  I've been in such a fog of late that it's a wonder I was getting anything done.  I certainly wasn't paying as much attention to the outside world as I normally do.  I did very little blog reading/writing (actually very little reading at all), caught just the headlines about Katrina for the most part and didn't realize it was the 4th anniversary of 9/11 until Shorty and I caught the early football game on Sunday.  My social life took a beating, too.  I did manage to do Parrot Grande but I missed Chick Poker and turned down several invites for evening activities.
I'm on a mission to fill up my PDA and make up for lost time so if anyone wants to go for a beer, I'm there!

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