Coffee Date

So, I met a guy for a coffee date tonight. For those of you not in the sometimes hellish single world, coffee dates have replaced dinner and a movie dates. You meet up for an hour or so, chat then go your separate ways. No big meal tab to wrangle over, a safe meeting place so people don't find out where you live and no alcohol involved to lead you into rash decisions. Since this was our first meeting, it seemed appropriate.

We met up at the Barnes and Noble at Chandler Fashion Mall and, thanks to traffic, I was nearly 10 minutes late. I was not happy about that at all but he seemed cool about it. I don't drink coffee so I had a bottle of water instead. He paid which was nice but not expected.

We talked about books (he actually reads more than I do), school, careers, family. You know, the 'let's get to know each other' stuff. I enjoyed chatting with him (I know that's a surprise) and I think he enjoyed talking with me.

Will it go anywhere? Not sure, the signs were mixed. He did wear a nice Hawaiian shirt. He's also a Minister....

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