In The Gutter Much?

The Rocket Scientist and I were passing the time at the bookstore on Friday night. I got a text from Unruly Julie about a band some of the gang were seeing and that we had passed on going to see. I replied that we were at the bookstore and they immediately took it to naughty land by suggesting we were at the adult bookstore.

Of course, I felt compelled to reply, "How did you guess?" The conversation then went on to batteries so clearly it went downhill rapidly.

A little later, I got another text from Eileen asking what I was up to and, when I told her that we were at the bookstore, her husband came back with, "Be careful of the bookworm". Yes, I think he was making a trouser snake reference there.

Leave it to me and my gang to take a perfectly innocent activity and make it sound sordid...

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