The Oscar For Best Movie Goes To...

My work film is done! A couple of the team members previewed it today and think it's pretty good. Of course, they kind of have to say that since I'm the committee chair. But, it's pretty funny and I think it will go over well at the company staff meeting this Friday.

The last hiccup was converting it from iMovie to QuickTime. When I just converted it to a High Quality CD, it was perfect. Unfortunately, we're broadcasting in stereo and I need it to play the whole thing out of both sides. So, I needed to use the Expert Settings to make the sound mono. The result was a herky-jerky film that didn't match the sounds.

Since I am far from being the expert, I've turned over the entire film and MacBookPro to someone else. He's a real Mac guy so I'm sure he'll figure it out. He's going to port it to his machine which has iMovie 8 on it and, hopefully, it will convert nicer.

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