
Fantasy Football is killing me. I had no interest in tonight's game because of the teams but my weekly match up was on the line. I went into the game slightly ahead with my opponent having DeSean Jackson and I David Akers left to play.

Of course, Jackson had to run in a huge touchdown near the beginning of the game. We went back and forth in the lead for a while and ended up in a tie. The tie breaker is the bench score where, thankfully, I dominated. I felt like I was owed that since I lost a previous game in the tie breaker.

That was the stressful part of the evening but not the awkward part.

The awkward part was that I was sitting between New Dude and The Rocket Scientist who were playing each other this week for the lead in their division. New Dude had the Philly Defense and TRS was done but had the lead going in.

Every muff by the Redskins was celebrated by New Dude with the highlight there being the D's touchdown. Some times jubilantly celebrated. TRS got about as visibly excited as he can which is to say not so much.

I just sat between them waiting to see who came out on top and hoping it didn't get violent.

OK, I wasn't really worried about it getting violent but I was trying not to show any favoritism. TRS finally tipped it against him because he felt compelled to update me on Jackson's progress.

It went down to the wire but New Dude pulled it out. They even shook hands afterward. How civilized. Not so much fun for me but, civilized.

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