I Can See Clearly Now (Mostly)

I knew my eye prescription was outdated before I went in last week but once I knew just how bad it was, I became hyper-aware of how poorly I was seeing. Especially, at night. I had hoped my glasses would be ready on Friday but was resigned that they wouldn't be available until today or tomorrow.

So, I was pleasantly surprised when I got a call at 4PM on Saturday that they were ready for pickup.

However, I was bummed since I was at Southern and McClintock at the time and heading to Ray and Dobson for chick poker at 4:30. My glasses were at 44th St and Thomas so there was no way to get there in time for poker. I thought about it for a few minutes then decided, what the hell, I'll just be late. Visibility was more important that promptness.

I shot a text message to the one poker chick who's as phone addicted as I am to start eating without me then sped down the 202. It was a quick in and out with the new specs but a lot longer to get used to them. The prescription change was big and I'm still getting a little of that "Whoa!" feel when I put my glasses on in the morning.

But, man, everything is suddenly clear way off into the distance. I keep looking at the street signs and the mountains and the big screen TV...pretty much everything, and appreciating how sharp it all is. That makes me happy.

What doesn't make me happy is that they may be a little too strong for my closeup work. I usually take my specs off to read but not for working on the computer. With the new glasses, the computer is just "this" much too close. Dang. I really don't want to get bifocals.

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