But At Least I'll Be Able To See

My specs are no longer doing the best job. I've noticed it for a while, especially at night, but I just didn't care enough to do something about it. Although I've been talking about going to my eye doctor for a few months now, I suddenly decided to get it done today before I leave for Key West in a few weeks.

So, I called my old Eye Doc's office to see if I could get an appointment. He is booked through the end of December and his partner through the middle of November. Well, that just doesn't work for Immediate Gratification girl.

My next call was to Sugar Daddy to see where he went for his last eye appointment and he said Alex Optical. That's where I got my last pair of glasses, which I love, so I gave them a call. I said, "I need to make an eye appointment" and the guy who answered said, "What are you doing right now?"

OK, that is just what Immediate Gratification girl lives for! I looked at my calendar and was meeting free so off I went.

When I walked in, Jim behind the counter said, "Those are nice glasses, where did you get those?" I replied, "Here." Jim's reply, "I must have sold them to you." He looked it up and he did, back in 2005. My other doc last saw me in 2004. I'm thinking I did the same thing as last time which was to wait until the last minute to get new specs so I ended up at Alex.

My prescription has changed a lot since 2005. So much so, that the Optometrist actually put together sample lenses for me to test. I went from a -2 in my left eye and a -1 in my right to -3 in both. The good thing is that I can still forgo the bifocals since that correction is only a +1. Cool, I'm not that old yet.

Jim wrote up the new order. He's quite the character, BTW. My hope was to have them make lenses for my existing frames since I really, really like them. He had the order all written up for a total of $375 (plastic, thin, photo sensitive, UV reflective) then told me I would have to leave my glasses with them for a full day once the lenses were made.

Um, no, that won't work. While I can see fine to wander around my house, read a book or a newspaper, there's no way I can work without my glasses.

So, time to pick out some new frames. Jim found me some cool ones right off the bat. Same basic style with minimal frames and a stylish shape to the lenses. I like them.

Final cost: $600. Spent in one hour. Ouch.

I'm comforting myself with the fact that I'll look good and, based on my track record, that $600 will be spread out over several years.

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