Come on, Facebook, Need the info...

I LOVE Facebook.

I'm totally addicted. I love how it's let me reconnect with lots of people from my past. I love how it's allowed me to make new friends and expand friendships with folks that I "sorta" knew. I love the games that I play. I love seeing everyone's pics. I love how people unrelated to each other except for one shared friend can have conversations and build relationships on their own.

I don't LOVE how Facebook rolls out changes. Man, they're just bad at it.

A while back, they changed the "home page" which they call the News Feed. No warning, really, just "poof!" and you had a new look. It hit some people earlier than others so the first few days were filled with people asking what was up with the change and others explaining it. Pretty much universally the change was hated, by the way.

Did they learn anything from that?

I think not a lot. They modified the News Feed again today. Again, without notice. I happened to see a link on Twitter about the change and posted it on Facebook so at least my peeps had some idea of what was going on. I'm now seeing the same "what's going on?" questions popping up as they did before.

Here's the thing...why can't Facebook just send an FB email to everyone or post a banner on the top of the page just to say, "Hey, we've changed something and you can read more about here." then give a link that documents the changes.

Having said all that, I like that Live Feed is showing more info like back in the days before the major change a few months ago.åç

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