Because It's Fun For Me

I had a coupon for PetSmart and needed to get litter trays for George's electric litter box. Man, I love that thing. So, I headed to the mall and quickly picked up the trays but I always browse for other stuff for George when I'm there.

I found some liquid catnip that I thought would refresh her toys since I'm too lazy to grow my own to rub on them and my floors are already littered with lots of her babies already - I don't need anymore of those underfoot. It worked like a charm, too. She took a new interest in the few loose babies that I sprayed so I sprayed a couple in her toy basket. A little while later, I found her sprawled by the basket looking completely stoned. Funny.

The item I couldn't resist was a Halloween costume. I know, I'm a crazy cat lady and it's only a matter of time before I have her wearing a different sweater every day of the week. But, I knew it would drive her nuts so I had to buy it.

We put it on her tonight and it was as satisfying as I thought it would be.

I'm going to bite you if you don't let me go - I'm fast and sneaky!

Seriously, I'm about to maim you.

You have got to be kidding me! This is not funny.

No way am I looking at the camera.

I effing hat you.

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