A Year In Review One Month At A Time - September 2014

September summary - work, work, work, flu, work, work, PLAY! Guess which part I'm going to focus on?

It had been many years since I'd been to a San Diego Parrot Head Club Anniversary Party. They host a heck of a good time at Campland On The Bay. Everyone brings in their motorhomes and tents and settles in for a weekend of fun, food, drink, music and no driving. Well, no driving of cars. There were some golf carts and bikes going around.

Tracy got us hooked up with a motorhome service that drives the trailer in, parks it then comes to pick it up. Two of our AZ people had to work so they flew in but the rest of us drove. Thom and I went over in my bitchen' car and somehow ended up pulling into Campland within mere minutes of Tracy and Scott on Friday afternoon. Already there were a couple other groups from Arizona.

So many great things about this event! It attracts friends from all over so it's always a great reunion. They have a beer garden - unlimited beer and margaritas while you stay in the garden so we pretty much didn't leave for hours. There's a great musical lineup from Thursday night through Saturday night. They also raise a ton of cash for charity.

There's also an unofficial event - the Trailer Pub Crawl. A fairly large contingent roamed the campgrounds and descended upon different people's sites where they were served a signature drink after the site host gave a toast.

Too much fun! No, really. I tried to get out of it but got swept along. After a day in the beer garden and then the crawl, I was forced to take a nap. Man, I hate taking naps when there's stuff going on. I rallied, though.

We were both drunk and awesome but at various levels.
The party didn't end after the music stopped. We floated between two of our gang's trailers and then it was down to the Last Men Standing. Someone decided we needed to be drinking Moscow Mules and Crash ended up being the mixologist. 

Then you pour in the ginger beer, the ginger, the ginger!
She remembered the recipe by reciting it aloud as she worked. Something that our trailer mates who were trying to sleep didn't find especially delightful but they did find it humorous. 

We perhaps should have retired before 4:30 AM but we didn't. It was a slow moving morning on Sunday but after a very quiet breakfast at Cafe Coyote (where we learned my bitchen' car is too low to the ground for the parking garage we usually use) it was time to head home. A quick stop was made by Thom, Crash and me to check out the new Elk's Lodge in Yuma then we were back at home, sweet, home.

I suspect this is going to become an annual must-do event. 

I really need to win the lottery.


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