Bring Your Rug Rat To Work Day

OK, we really do call it Bring Your Child to Work Day but I like calling them rug rats, or, sometimes, chilluns.  There's a big team of employee volunteers that put on a whole day's worth of activities for the annual event which took place yesterday.  They tour the kids around all of our buildings, feed them some corporate propaganda with their lunch and let them design and make their own mugs. Think the plastic tumblers you get at Starbucks that are clear plastic on the outside and have a paper insert with the design on it.  We buy the mug parts and print our own labels in house and have a sonic sealer for assembly.  It's a pretty cool process.
My rug rat is too old for this but I could totally see him spending the day here with the kids.  Maybe I'll see if they want an adult volunteer next year (well, semi-adult) who's not on the payroll.
The highlight for us worker bees was having the Schwan's man hand out ice cream in the parking lot for everyone, not just the kidlets.  There were all kinds of frozen treats and I think most of us had more than one. 
The two groups scarfing up the most ice cream were I.T. and Marketing...not sure what that says about us except that we're the biggest moochers in the company.

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