George Got Louder

One would think a fish is a really easy pet to have around. You'd hardly notice it was there. Not my George and of course it's my fault.

I completely cleaned his tank out on Saturday. When I was cleaning the filter part, a piece of some kind of stone looking material broke off the base of the pipe that pulls the water through the bubbling part (I am so technical). I reassembled it all and now it's, well it's kinda louder.

As a matter of fact, it sounds like a big pot of rapidly bubbling water. Like when you cook spaghetti.

I was hoping it would go unnoticed when Sugar Daddy got home. And it did, for about 60 seconds. I explained what had happened and he just gave me this look that said "You do these things just to drive me crazy." Not true at all, I swear.

SD says it's so loud now that he can hear it in his bedroom, which is probably 30 feet away from the kitchen where George lives, unless he closes his door. I'd like to say he's exaggerating but I can hear it through the kitchen wall when I'm in my room.

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