You Can Go Home Again

We were out and about in Tempe this week and decided to stop at The Chuckbox for lunch.  It's right across from ASU and it looked like it was 20 years old when I started school there back in '82 so I have no idea when it opened.  I just know it's an ASU institution and I spent many hours there.
The atmosphere hasn't changed one bit since the old days.  It's dark, humid (I think they only have an evaporative cooler) and furnished with wobbly Formica tables and crates for chairs.  You place your burger (or chicken) order with a cranky guy on the grill.  There's no "How would you like that cooked?"  It's more like "What kind of cheese do you want?  Next!"  Then you wait for the cranky guy to cook your meat on a charcoal grill, fill your own soda, grab your fried side dish then pay the crabby guy at the register.  Nothing fancy about the place at all.
If you can get past the rustic appearance, you will be treated to a great burger.  Sugar Daddy said it was the best burger he's ever had.  I agree that it was good but a little too cooked for my taste which means it was actually cooked.
The lunch crowd was mostly business types but they serve beer so the evening crowd is probably be more of the student variety.  I hope so anyway.  If things work out as planned, this could be my new 'hood (5 minutes away) which means I can pop over for dinner and pick up some college boys at the same time.
Hmmm, beer, burgers and boys.  Life doesn't get much better than that!

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