You Can Thank Me Later

I washed my car on Saturday morning.  Went to a self cleaning place, scrubbed it up and it was sparkling!  That spot free rinse option really works.
So, of course that exercise conjured the rain we got this morning.  It was inevitable.
When I cleaned the car on Saturday, I only did the outside.  I got an unintentional interior wash today.  Sugar Daddy and I both forgot about closing the moon roof when we got home from dinner last night.  Since I'm not allowed to park in the garage and relegated to the street, it got a little damp in the car.
The open roof was also an invitation to every mosquito in Chandler to move in.  I tried to kill them all on the way into work without crashing.  I succeeded partially.  No crashes but I think I gave up some blood to the little pests.

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