OK, Already, I Admit I Can't See in the Dark

I have bad night vision. It was only so-so before I had Lasik and it went to hell after that. Everyone's heard or seen the evidence: the sprained ankle from Grandpa's back yard, the re-sprained ankle from the cruise ship, the bad night driving...the list could go on and on.

Sugar Daddy is well aware of my vision impairment but he likes to torture me so he keeps rubbing it in.

When we went to see Serenity last Friday, I was walking into the theater in front of him and I slowed down to check out where I was going. You go from light to dim rather quickly and the floor is usually slanted or has steps so I try to be careful. The Rat Bastard tried to tap me in the back of the foot just to startle me and ended up nearly sweeping my foot out from under me. He said, "Sorry." and I thought it was an accident until he couldn't control his laughing.

I was pissed. I said, "I could have fallen or spilled my soda all over the place!" His response was, "If you'd hit your head, I would have felt guilty and if you spilled your soda, I would have bought you a new one." What a Prince. Is there really any wonder why he's single?

Last night, I was watching Poker in my office and walked out to put my glass in the sink. SD had all of the lights off except for what was coming from the TV. I put my glass in the sink and knocked over the wine glass already there. Crash! Broken glass all over the sink. Now, I hadn't turned a light on because he gets cranky when I do so I was like "It's pitch black in here!" and sort of implying it wasn't my fault.

To prove that it was indeed my fault, he went into his room where the light was on to replicate my walking from light to dark then walked over to the sink and could still see everything in it. He was like, "Oh, did you need this knife?" and picked it up to show me. I wanted that knife all right. Good thing he didn't give it to me.

He's lucky I didn't punch him in the head.

And yet, Annette thinks that I terrorize him!

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