I Want a Do Over

Thursday was not a good day.

I had a class in Tempe and Sugar Daddy and I were scheduled to get our hair done that night at Cheryl's at 7. We worked out a plan. I would drop him off at work, go to my class then go drinking with Audrey while he had his guitar lesson at work with Kevin then we'd drive together to Cheryl's.

I dropped him at work then reversed course to Tempe. As I was close to the class site, my phone rang. It was Sugar Daddy telling me I had his guitar in my backseat. He had the keys to Kevin's Jeep so he could retrieve it but he didn't know where I was. I told him Apache and Rural. That did not help.

Sugar Daddy has a geographic mind block when it comes to Tempe. He doesn't know any of the streets and whenever he tries to go there he ends up at the airport. Once he hits the airport, he turns around and goes home.

So, I had to give him directions. Anyone who knows me well will recognize that the chances of getting good directions from me are slim to none. However, I was blessed that day and gave him an accurate route. He got his guitar and I went to class.

This was not the Do Over part of the day.

The rest of the day appeared to go according to plan. Audrey and I went to Applebee's for cocktails then I headed back to work to pick up SD. I had to run upstairs for a minute then we were on our way. Cheryl lives around 34th St and Union Hills so it's quite a hike.

We got done about 9:45 then left for home but decided to stop at the Wendy's by our house.

Here's where it went bad and I hoped for the Do Over.

I went to get my money out to pay and couldn't find my wallet. I thought maybe it had fallen on the floor. I have a new purse that doesn't always fully close.

A digression: I don't get new purses until the old one is completely thrashed. Usually the thrashed look comes from one too many beer spills which, not surprisingly, occur often in my world.

When we got to our driveway, I did a thorough search. No wallet. I started freaking out. I'd had it at Applebee's because I bought our second round but I could have lost it in the parking lot or at work (yikes, middle of the barrio) or at Cheryl's.

I had lost my cash, drivers license, debit and credit card, library cards, social security card...pretty much my whole life was in that little piece of leather. And, I was trying to figure out how to replace everything within the week before I head off to Vegas.

I rousted Cheryl out of bed to see if I'd left my wallet there. While I talked to her on my cell phone, I checked my messages on my home phone. The first message said, "Hi Kathy, this is Margie. Please call me at...." I don't know any Margies so I skipped it. The next message said, "Hi Kathy, this is Margie. My husband found something that I think belongs to you so please call me."

Hallelujah! She had my wallet! The only problem was that between our schedules, I couldn't retrieve it until this morning. So, I had to hit the Sugar Daddy ATM for my lunch and gas money for Friday and I prayed the entire time that I wouldn't get pulled over for anything until I had my ID back.

Here's the thing. I had no plans to do anything Friday but just knowing I couldn't go to the store or the library or out to dinner bugged the hell out of me.

An hour and a half round trip to North Phoenix this morning got me my wallet back. What a nice lady that Margie is. She's definitely in my prayers from now on.

On the way home, I bought a new purse.

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