HTML is not my friend

Here's something that could happen.

You could manually add emphasis to a word in your blog's post title. But instead, of typing <> 24 < / then em then >, you could leave the / out of the last part. (Ignore the 'then's in that example...)

What could then happen is you get 24 in italics but you also get your entire blog in italics. See the "/" indicates an end tag to stop the special formatting. Not a good thing to forget.

What could also then happen is you obsess over it for 20 minutes, republish the post repeatedly then try to convince yourself that maybe it's the browser on your laptop and that you need to check it at work the next day because it's 11 PM and you're tired. Why you accept the browser theory when it doesn't make much sense is that it's late and you know computers and technology can be evil.

And then what could happen is just before you go to sleep, you think "Hey, I bet it's the end tag on the title." That thought could then be followed by an internal debate of whether to get up and fix it or obsess over whether you'll forget to fix it in the morning.

Finally, you could struggle with Blogger to try to let you write the example html but not recognize it as such and you could involve one of your co-workers who tells you about the pre tag but Blogger won't play nice with that so you could end up just typing it out all hokey and hoping people get what you're trying to say.

I'm just could happen.

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