A True Celebration of Life

The Memorial Service for Mom O'Malley was Saturday. I think the Babes did most of the prep work and Mom would have been very happy with it. They talked about her life and included some funny anecdotes. Her grandson, Seth, and one of her son-in-laws talked about her and they had a slide show of some pictures through the years. Mary even told Mom's favorite joke; one that she had insisted on telling the nurse at Hospice the day before she passed away.

Being the over-achievers that they are, the Babes had the perfect memento to give people. They had custom poker chips made with Mom's info on them. She would have loved that!

Afterwards, we all went over to Julio G's for some beer, margaritas and munchies. I did a lot of introducing and explaining of who everyone was. It was sort of a 'worlds colliding' event since I've known the Babes since high school and there were lots of people from that era there along with the newer Parrot Head friends. There were even some friends from grade school at the service.

It's interesting and sad and just a fact of life...but, the old gang used to hang out together all of the time and now we've drifted apart. We all live in the same metropolitan area yet the only times we seem to see other are weddings, funerals, milestone birthdays (the year we all hit 40 was busy) and class reunions.

There was the ever hopeful, "Let's make sure we get together soon" comments made and I sincerely hope we do so but I think it would be easy to let it go until the next big event gets us back together.

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