My Problem with 24

I've faithfully watched 24 since it started. I've ignored all of the computer crap that just doesn't make sense to anyone in a technical field, I've suffered through all of the Kim scenes (could they just kill her already?!), I've ignored the fact that they get from one side of LA to the other in mere minutes and continually violate a real timeline and, oh, the plot holes! How I try to ignore them as much as possible! But, I'm able to suspend disbelief and enjoy the show...for the most part.

But, I admit to one problem with watching the show. Every scene with DB Woodside in it takes me completely out of the story because all I can think is "Take your shirt off, DB." I think it's a throwback to when we was on Buffy but, damn, he's just that hot.

Clearly, I need a date. ;-)

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