And The Winner Was...

Neither Poker nor Work won in the battle for my time yesterday. A sleeper entry won instead...and, pun completely happenstance, it was Sleep.

It's not what I was going for, though. Poker was actually in the lead at 5:30 PM last night. But, then I called Pirate Rick and asked him what time he thought the tourney would be over. He estimated around 11.

Since I was already dead tired, I did some mental math. A 12 work day was going to give me a lot more mattress time than a 10 hour work day, 1 1/2 drive time to and from the casino and 4 hours playing cards (assuming I made it until 11).

So, I worked a little over 12 hours then headed home. Dinner was chips and one beer accompanied by one episode of poker.

I was fast asleep by 9:30 so I think I made the right choice.

However, I did put next week's tourney on my calendar. In theory, we should be less busy then.

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