What The F*ck

Our latest work birthday celebration included playing the drinking game called, literally, What The F*ck.

Each person took a turn answering a random question that had an A or B answer. The rest of the group had to guess which answer was selected. Each question was weighted by difficulty with either one, two or three beers. Since we were at work, we turned the beers into points instead of brews.

It was pretty fun and interesting to see how well, or how little, we knew each other. Also, how some people projected their own response on to others.

Some of the questions (paraphrased) were:

Which would you rather attend? A: the next Presidential inauguration or B: the next Sundance Film Festival.

If you had a terminal illness and only a month live, would you abuse illegal drugs? A: Yes or B: No.

Where would you least like to have a drunken hookup? A: a morgue or B: a dog kennel.

Where would rather get married? A: on a roller coaster or B: in Alaska.

If you found out that player 1 had a shrine built to you in his/her house, would you have him/her committed? A: yes or B: no.

Whom would you rather date? A: a successful minister or B: a failed politician.

Which would you rather have sewn shut? A: your eyes or B: your mouth.

I got the latter question and picked mouth which surprised some people. I figured I could still communicate without speaking and, when one guy pointed out that I wouldn't be able to eat, I replied that might be a good thing for a while.

The greatest projection was on the drug question. The guy who had to answer it is a devout Mormon. Clearly, he's not going to abuse drugs but several people guessed that he would because they would.

The winner only had to drink one beer (had only one point). The loser totalled 19. Thank goodness we weren't really drinking or he would have had an acute case of alcohol poisoning.

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