Would You Like Asbestos With Your Pasta?

Sugar Daddy, our buddy Dave and I went to a local Italian place, Red Devil, for lunch today. They have really good pizza and spaghetti though we don't go there all that often. Mostly because there are lots of work people there and you can get whiplash from doing the head swivel to see if anyone is in earshot that you don't want to hear what you're saying.

Anywho, SD and I had finished our salads while Dave was still working on his when all of a sudden a bunch of white stuff fell on us. I thought at first that someone was throwing straw wrappers at Dave (our work people are like that) but then I noticed a bunch of small foam pieces and dust fell on us. SD didn't notice any of that at first - his first idea that something was amiss was when Dave suddenly jumped out of his chair and started brushing crap off of his body.

Several tables in our area got coated with whatever it was. Apparently, they had someone working on their A/C and something came through the blower that shouldn't have. It looked like chunks of Styrofoam and lots of fine, dark dust. I tried to shake it out of my hair and brush it off my arms but I didn't feel like I was going to be clean until I took a shower. SD, being funny as usual, started loudly coughing which quite alarmed our waitress. He cracks himself up.

They frantically cleared our table off and apologized but didn't replace our silverware, rolls or SD's Root Beer until we prompted them several times. They did comp our meal and promised it would never happen again.

As we were leaving, SD said, "There's nothing like a little asbestos in the morning." I'm not sure the hostess appreciated his humor.

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