Can't Turn a Night Owl into an Early Bird

Sugar Daddy and I worked on Sunday afternoon to make a system change. We have to make the change when there's no one on the system and that's pretty much the only time we have during the week.

Unfortunately, the change didn't work and we had to roll it back. Since it has to get out this week, we decided to come in at 5 AM this morning and finish the job. We only have a few users (I thought) at that time so it seemed like our best option.

When my alarm went off at 3:45, I decided it was not fit for man nor beast to be up that early. I hit the snooze a few times but finally dragged my butt out of bed. The first shortcut to getting ready was eating my toast at the kitchen counter while trying to speed read through the paper. The second shortcut was eliminating drying and straightening my hair. Yep, it's the poodle look for me today. I did put makeup on - there's no foregoing that, trust me.

As I was getting ready, SD sent me a text saying he was going to do his part from home. I replied that he sucked. He was only joking though which saved him a punch in the head because I wasn't happy that I'd be in early all alone.

However, I wasn't alone. When I got to work, there were already a bunch of cars in the lot. What is wrong with those people? Don't they know it's dark out and the vampires haven't had time to get back to their coffins yet?

We got our stuff done but now it's only 6:30 and I feel like the day should be over already. It feels like I've been up for hours and hours. Clearly, I'm meant to be on a 9 to 6 (or 7 or 8) work schedule. This early stuff is just so very wrong.

Soooo tired...must get more sleep. Maybe no one will notice if I catnap at my desk.

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