Book Review - The Book of Lost Things

What an interesting book by Irish writer John Connolly this was. It's the story of a 12 year old boy, David, during WWII who loses his Mum (he's British) to an illness then his Dad remarries and has a son with his new wife. David feels left out and misses his Mother terribly. The new family moves to the step-mother's home in the country and strange things start happening.

The books in his room start whispering to David, he sees a strange man in his room and he eventually enters a fairy tale like world. Fairy tales in the traditional sense, not the Disney version. It's a violent, scary and sexual world and I got totally sucked into the tale. The villains, especially The Crooked Man, were really creepy and I couldn't wait to see how or if David was going to vanquish them.

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