Tales From Rocky Point - Going For A Walk

Did you say walk?

Lesson learned from Rocky Point: do not fall for the "I need to go for a walk" look.

I'm not sure how many times Maya conned one of us into a walk around the neighborhood in the hopes that she would pee or poop. It was a lot. I know I got conned one afternoon when it was hot as blazes and I wanted nothing more than to hit the shower and cool down.

We walked across the empty lot, down the street and back and all she did was sniff. At one point, I even tried pushing her butt down to see if she would get the clue. She didn't so I gave up.

Too bad for her as she might have been dying to get out later but I wasn't buying. There were plenty of others who were willing to give her a chance, though. They generally came back disappointed.

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