Tales From Rocky Point - Last Man Standing

Historically, Catnip and I are always the last ones standing at the end of the night. Call it stubbornness or lack of sleep requirement but it's certainly not because we pace ourselves. We're not so good at that.

While I did nap on the way down to Rocky Point on Thursday, I figured based on the amount of sleep I got on Wednesday night/Thursday evening I was running at an average pace. I did concede that it might be someone else's turn to stay up with Catnip but as the evening wore on, I was feeling pretty good about my chances.

Annette is the usual suspect to pull the "I'm going to the bathroom then disappearing" trick while we're all still up. However, the Pirate Captain and Unruly Julie were out first. Julie was pretty tired and Rick went with her. There's no sex in Mexico so I'm sure they just cuddled, briefly, then went to sleep.

Next out was The Rocket Scientist. He actually has a pretty good record of hanging but he lacks the competitive instinct to make it to the end. That left Catnip, Annette and me. That combination's never happened before.

Catnip was wearing down and I think Annette was feeding off of his lost energy as she just kept going. He finally gave up and went to bed. Well, at least to the bedroom. Annette told me, "Wait, he won't be able to take it and he'll be out again."

She was right. He came back out then went back to bed. But, he wouldn't let himself go to sleep. We kept talking and we heard, "I can hear you!" from the bedroom. It was quite funny to Annette and me.

We finally took pity on poor Catnip and each went to bed at 2:30. It was the latest bedtime for the whole weekend so Annette actually got the co-title of "Last Man Standing" for the weekend.

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