
Back when Sugar Daddy bought me all those cases of wine, he also ordered a counter top wine opener. Apparently, it was a big and fancy one and came in a large, heavy box.

A box he finally gave to me (last week or the week before) and we loaded it in to my trunk. It was heavy so I was going to get Steven or The Rocket Scientist to carry it in to the house for me (I'm such a fragile Princess). I didn't get around to it before I left for Iowa last week so it was in my trunk while my car was at off site airport parking (without shade).

When I picked up my car last night, I noticed a sweet odor. Like a cinnamon bun. I thought maybe the heat had refreshed the KDKB air freshener hanging from my mirror but it smells different than that. When I picked up Sugar Daddy for lunch today, the smell was the first thing he noticed.

After lunch, we popped the trunk to see if maybe I'd left some grocery item in there. That's when we noticed that the side of the wine opener box had water damage to it. Hmmm, guess there was a bottle of wine in there with that opener.

There were actually 8 bottles.

A bottle of wine can be ruined by just 15 minutes in a car parked in the sun. I can't imagine what 4 days worth of heat would do. I took out the opener and just dumped the whole box in to the dumpster.

I felt like I should be playing taps while I did it.

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