Tales From Rocky Point - How Many Beers?

Catnip taught me a great lesson in beer counting though he will deny it.

One morning, he and Lew went out and about on some errands before we hooked up with them. I asked later, "How many beers did you have today?" He said, "Three or four." I had to challenge it.

I basically tracked their path and they went to one bar, then another where they left then came back to meet us then to some friends' house. When it came down to the actual details, it was one beer at the first place, two at the second then two more after we met them there then who knows how many at the friends.

I said, "I got it. It's one beer for every stop."

Annette, Julie and I went to their friends' then Manny's for the afternoon. That was two beers.

Julie and I spent a few hours at JJ's. We had one beer then headed home.

Cool! That makes me seem like so much less of an alcoholic. Especially if I just stay at one place when I'm drinking.

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