Tales From Rocky Point - Second Place is Still Losing

I'm a better loser than I am a winner. Which is good since I was a two time loser in poker in Mexico.

We played two tournaments. The first night, it came down to Catnip and me. He got lucky and doubled up then called my all in with a better hand. I lost. I think I took it pretty well.

The next tournament, I got lucky against Catnip (yes, he was bitter) and got enough chips to make it to the finals against Annette. She ended up with all of the chips and I'd like to think I took it pretty well.

Annette seemed inordinately happy to beat me. She was all, "Kathy got taken out by the weakest player!" I'm not sure I've ever called her the weakest player, BTW.

I'm glad she was happy. She played well.

See, I can be a good loser.

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