Trip to the Kitty Doc

George had her first appointment with the Vet this morning. It was only her second car ride with the first being her traumatic ride away from her birth Mommy to her new Mommy's home.

She was not happy.

The Poker girls gave me this cool leather carrying case that looks like a big purse. It has mesh on three sides and the top so she could see out and lots of zippers and a snap to keep her in. Damned if she didn't almost break out on the ride over and the way back. I had to do some quick grabs and, fortunately, we were at stop lights each time. Between working on her escape, she gave me quite a large piece of her mind about the whole being in the car thing. One not happy camper at all.

Once we were at the Vet's, all was different. Just like she is with The Rocket Scientist, she was a total angel for them. She didn't balk at the temperature check or the shot. While she wasn't happy with the deworming medicine getting put into her mouth, she didn't fight the Vet at all.

She needs to go back in 3 weeks for her booster shot and some other tests but everything checked out OK today. They don't want to spay her until she's six months old so we have a couple of months to wait for that. I'm also going to get a microchip put in her.

The Doc told me there was a very slight chance she would have an allergic reaction to the meds which would manifest as her vomiting within an hour of getting her shot. So, I'm at home for a while to keep an eye on her. He also said it may make her lethargic. So far, she's jumped on the dining room table twice, on my chair countless times and bitten my hand.

I'd say she's acting like her usual Demon self.

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