There's a Reason for the Social Director

So, The Rocket Scientist is headed to Vegas for his first weekend trip in Sin City. We talked about having a practice session for him with the Pirate Captain and Unruly Julie. The plan was discussed while I was on vacation so I told him that I could only do it on Wednesday because I was coming in late on Monday and I had book club on Tuesday. He indicated it would be Wednesday so I put it on my calendar.

Tuesday, I get an email from him. It said something like, "We're playing at Rick and Julie's tonight at 7 PM." I responded with, "You told me it was Wednesday. I have book club tonight." I'm sure I probably did a mental WTF and sighed while I typed it.

He came back with "Rick's not sure if Julie has tomorrow off." I told him that, if they needed to, they should go ahead without me as it wasn't a big deal. The final message came back that we were on for Wednesday at 7 at their house.

Late yesterday afternoon, TRS and I started an email convo about the plan. He asked what time I was picking him up. (Yes, that's right, I actually offered to drive.) I asked if we were having dinner with them and, if not, whether he wanted to get dinner first. Our final plan was that I would leave work in 5 minutes, pick him up and we'd grab dinner on the way to their house.

So, that's what we did.

But, when we got to their house, they weren't home. We actually woke up their napping daughter who told us "They're not here." I said we would just wait. My phone started ringing and it was Julie. Since I still haven't figured out how to answer it when it's locked, I missed the call but called her back and got her voicemail. I said, "We're at your house waiting for you."

Their home phone started ringing and Amy answered. It was Julie saying they were at The Rocket Scientist's house and that he wasn't answering the door. Seemed likely since he was sitting at their kitchen table. She said they would head back home.

TRS did his blank face thing where he thinks things out and realized that he and Rick had never actually said where we were playing. Come to find out, there was even a point where someone thought we were playing at my house. It was a total CF.

Clearly, without me (and Julie) making plans, they are at a complete loss.

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