
As I walked out of my house on Thursday afternoon, I looked back at Steven and George and said, "Bye, baby." Steven said "Bye!" I'm pretty sure he knew I was talking to the little baby.

When I thought about the two of them over the weekend, I kept picturing The War of the Roses where Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner's characters ending up killing each other. I wouldn't have been surprised to see their corpses when I opened the door.

Fortunately, it wasn't a tragic ending. George came out right when I called her and was happy to see me. We spent a good 15 minutes of petting time while she told me all about her weekend. She had a lot to say so I wondered about the other half of the story.

I sent Steven a text telling him that I was home and he called me when he got off of work. His first words were, "Your cat is crazy." He made the mistake of falling asleep on the couch the first night he was there, not realizing that naked toes are fair game to her. The next night, he was very careful to make it to bed so he had the comforter to be a barrier between his feet and her little needle teeth.

He also complained about her constant attack mode when he was walking around the house. I have the scratches to prove that scenario – they didn't fully heal while I was gone and I've since gotten a few more. Though I warned him about the early morning play time, he wasn't prepared for the 5 AM wake up after getting to be a little before 3.

George couldn't have been too traumatized by any of it as she was back to full feline demon mode last night. I tried to read a little before bed but it was impossible since my book was either being crawled on or chewed on while I was doing so. I gave up and it was an early night and an early morning as the 5 AM play time policy is still in place.

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