
I'm against the death penalty but if you put a hacker or a spammer in front of a firing squad, I probably wouldn't stop anyone from shooting. Seriously. What incredible lowlifes.

My Yahoo account got hacked/spoofed/co-opted this morning. I woke up at 8 AM to the ping of text messages from my friends letting me know about it but the damage was done. I think everyone in my address book (which is probably close to 2,000 people), including this blog, got sent a link to what I imagine is an ad for male enhancements. I don't know because I didn't open the link.

I changed my password and ran a virus scan on my computer that came up negative so I'm not sure how it happened. I hope it stops but they have all the info now so I guess they could send it out again. A friend of mine ended up closing her Hotmail and Facebook accounts this past week because someone sent six mass emails and set up several bogus Facebook accounts as well. Again, bastages.

What's surprising to me is how many people still question the emails. I get them all too often, see that it's just a link so I delete and move on. On our Yahoo group accounts, this has been happening a lot and every time someone asks "Who's this person sending these links out?" Seriously, how do you not know that it's a scam at this point? Oh, well. At least they're paying attention. I just hope they're not clicking on the links.

Actually, I wouldn't just not stop the firing squad, I might even help load their rifles.

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