Book Review - Super Sad True Love Story

Super Sad True Love StorySuper Sad True Love Story by Gary Shteyngart

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Set in the not so distant future, two people fall into a not so healthy romantic relationship. Both Lenny (Russia) and Eunice (Korea) are children of immigrants who came for the American Dream. That dream is now an Orwellian nightmare where everyone is wired in, the economy is on the brink of collapse and the government asks you to confirm that you'll deny what you see.

Lenny's side of the story is told through his diary, Eunice's through her "teens" which appear to be email or really long text messages. There was certainly sadness and introspection and a lot of discourse on familial relationships and duties.

This is my first Shteyngart but I suspect I'll go back and read his first two books based on the favorable reviews they got and how much I liked this one.

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