Book Review - The Ghosts of Belfast

The Ghosts of BelfastThe Ghosts of Belfast by Stuart Neville

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

With all the anti-Muslim rhetoric going around these days, it's easy to forget that there's still a lot of violence and ugliness associated with other religions. The Catholic and Protestant factions may have agreed on peace in Northern Ireland but they're still at each other in this first novel by Stuart Neville.

Gerry Fegan was a killer for the Protestant side, served time and is now trying to drink his guilt and his literal ghosts away. Haunted by the twelve people he killed, Gerry strikes a deal with them. If he kills the people who ordered or were complicit in their deaths, they will cease their haunting.

This was a wonderfully engrossing story with some very rich characters and a detailed view of the so-called peace where the thugs of yesterday are the politicians of today.

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