Book Review - Brains: a Zombie Memoir

Brains: A Zombie MemoirBrains: A Zombie Memoir by Robin Becker

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Interesting, gross, funny and thoughtful read. A zombie virus has been released. If you get it, you turn into a zombie of the type we see in George Romero movies who sluggishly move and mindlessly seek out brains to eat. Humans are getting wiped out right and left because most of them are becoming zombie food.

A few zombies, however, still retain cognitive skills but with a zombie bent. Yes, they really, really, really want to eat brains but they're smart enough to go about it without getting killed themselves. Well, for the most part.

The book follows a group of these smart zombies as they form a very odd family unit and go in search of the man who created the virus. The question to be asked, is thought enough to be "human" or worthy of continued existence? Or, feelings and thoughts aside, do all zombies need to die?

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