It's a great time of year for foodies in Arizona. Restaurant week is a wonderful way for chefs to show off how great their food is and for patrons to get a taste at a fixed (reasonable even considering what you get) price. Check out all of the places and menus here.

My chick poker girls and I try to hit as many places as our schedules and eating loves permit. So far this year, we only have one place on the calendar. We're hitting up True Food on Sunday in lieu of actual chick poker.

I'm so good with that. A much less stressful evening although one without Morgan, our dealer. He's out on the dinner so I'll miss him. I won't miss waiting for the yappers to realize we're actually playing a card game and not just sitting around, well, yapping. In fairness, they'll probably be happier too since I won't be bitching at them.

Hopefully, I can get another couple of meals in. They extended the week to be from Saturday through the next Sunday this year so that gives us more time.

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