Parrot Grande - The Highlight

The Arizona Parrot Head Club has been collecting items to send to our troops overseas. We mail to the family and friends of our club members who are serving over there and we send all sorts of things. CDs, book, toiletries, food and writing supplies are just some of the items we've collected. Our club mailman, Bob, has mailed about 1,800 pounds so far.

We had a special visitor at our Sunday Survivor's Breakfast at Parrot Grande. Club members Bob and Sue Rohn's nephew, Michael Yount, had been the recipient of some of our packages and he's, thankfully, now back in the States. He wanted to thank us for our actions and he presented the club with a U.S. flag that had been flown in Iraq on July 4th.

It was a special, special moment.

Michael and Bob got a standing ovation and there were lots of people wiping their eyes. It really brought home why we've been doing this project and how much it means to those folks who are so far from home.

Sue and Bob Rohn, Michael Yount and me.

I wouldn't be Mrs. Robinson if I didn't mention that Michael is quite the handsome guy.

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