Poker Strangeness

I played poker with the boys on Friday night. There were only ten of us so we all started at the same table. I was the only girl (I like that ratio but truly don't mind when there are other women there) and the funniest (to me) thing happened.

The guys got worried about "offending" me!

Me, who swears like the proverbial sailor and never gives up a shot at the double entendre, that's who they were worried about.

The roots go back to the first time we played where I let it be known that I objected to the use of one specific slang word related to a women's genitalia. Well, we've decided there are three words along those lines that I don't like.

However, you can pretty much say whatever else you want to - really!

I got several "Oh, I'm sorry I said that" and "I hope I didn't offend you" comments throughout the night and I just kept saying, "Don't worry about it!"

It was surreal.

I guess I got them on tilt because I came in third so I finished in the money.

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