What's His Name VS The Coral Reefers

There are still some Key West tales to tell...

One of my for sure "want to do" agenda items for MOTM was to see my pal Bob Karwin play at the host hotel, Casa Marina, on Saturday. Bob wasn't going to be on the island long and I knew that was one gig I could make so we made a point of being there.

We got a table just off the front side of the stage and settled in for the usual fun music, snarky stories about other performers and crowd heckling. Typical Karwin fare.

Of course, he did his classic rendition of Ring Of Fire. Some of our club members established the tradition of playing kazoos where the trumpets usually are. If you don't have a kazoo, you can fake it. Of course, Tracy the Overachiever actually had her kazoo.

Commence Kazoo Impressions
At one point, we could hear music coming from the main stage which is at the other end of the property. Karwin paused for a bit but then kept going. However, it got louder and he stopped again, stood on stage and stared. It was Jimmy Buffett's band, The Coral Reefers, doing their sound check for their show that night.

After waiting to see if it would get quieter again, Karwin said (and I'm paraphrasing because I don't remember the exact words but I think you'll get the sentiment), "I get the Casa bar stage and have to go up against the Coral Reefers. Thanks a lot. Eff it, I can outplay them."

And, he did.

He rocked it out and they faded into the background. It was a great, high energy show and I felt a little sorry for Jim Hoehn having to come up after him. Jim's such a laid back, groovy kind of guy and Karwin had everyone revved up. Jim was great as usual, though.

It was all quite fun and Karwin can truly state he outplayed The Coral Reefer Band.


Tracy said…
An Overachiever should never have to fake it...

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