Book Review - The Kalahari Typing School For Men

I finished this fourth book in The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series by Alexander McCall Smith last night. The stories take place in Botswana and paint a beautiful, vivid picture of the country. I can easily picture the dust, the bush country and the town, which we would think of as small but is a metropolis in Botswana. I really would like to visit there someday (after that big Lotto win). As were the previous books, this one was a joy to read. I definitely give all of them so far a big thumbs up.

Hmmm, maybe I need to devise a book rating scale to apply to my reviews...nah, too much work.


Crime Dog said…
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Crime Dog said…
OK, I can help. I have taken the impeccable standards of "The Crime Dog and Mr. Lucky Movie Review Criteria" and adapted it for books:

4 Stars - Buy this book in hardback. Today. Signed. First edition.

3 Stars - Buy the book in hardback when you are able.

2 Stars - Buy the paperback as soon as it is released.

1 Star - Buy the paperback when you catch it in a sales bin, just in case you decide to peruse it sometime.

0 Stars - Avoid this book. Run. The other direction.
Cheesehead said…
I like it but I can think of some other categories:

Put on waiting list at library.

Check out at library if there's nothing else worth getting.

Borrow copy from friend and keep it for months until you get around to reading it.

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