Lost: Best Show on TV?

At the end of Lost last week, Sugar Daddy proclaimed, "This is the best TV show ever!" I countered with, "No, Buffy was." That concept was immediately pooh-poohed.

I thought about it later and realized we had completely neglected some classic shows. I Love Lucy, The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, All in the Family, M.A.S.H....there have been so many shows that could be considered "The Best Ever". In Sugar Daddy's defense, he's too young to remember a lot of those shows. Heck, even I'm too young to have seen them anywhere but in syndication.

When I mentioned the other shows to Sugar Daddy, he stuck to his original statement. I conceded that Lost is the best show on TV right now (until Deadwood starts). I would have argued for Arrested Development but they blew it with the incredibly lame Martin Short guest spot.

What is the Best Ever? Man, I can't decide...I'll have to think long and hard about that one.


Crime Dog said…
How could you miss "My Mother The Car?" ;-)

For real, everyone knows the best broadcast TV show ever was "Hill Steert Blues." The best cable show is no contest - "The Sopranos."

"Dick Van Dyke"? Puh-lease. Go with "Cheers" instead.
Cheesehead said…
Funny you should mention Hill Street..I had brought that one up to Sugar Daddy today.

"Let's be careful out there."

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