Book Review - Who Let The Blogs Out? A Hyperconnected Peek at the World of Weblogs

I found this book while scanning the new non-fiction section at the library. The deciding factor on checking it out was that the forward was written by Wil Wheaton. That's right, Ensign Crusher is a blogger and damn proud of it. Author Biz Stone weaves the history of blogs, his path to publishing that he traces to blogging and an inside peak into the cast of characters in the blog world into a fascinating book. He also gives tips on generating traffic to your blog, etiquette and making money through blogging (mental note-look into that!).

Stone mentions several cool blogs that I now check daily (including his) and it really revved up my interest in this technological phenomenon. I dug this book a lot - so much so that I may buy a copy for my personal library.


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