Book Review - 'Scuse Me While I Whip This Out

If you could look up the phrase "colorful character" in a dictionary, it wouldn't be surprising to find a picture of Kinky Friedman as an example.

Friedman's latest work is a collection of fiction and fact and filled with tales of his adventures. The cast of characters includes Bill Clinton, W and Laura Bush, Don Imus, Bob Dylan, Hank Williams, Jack Ruby, Joseph Heller and Kinky's Dad, Tom Friedman. That's just the short list - there are lots of other folks mentioned during stories about touring with bands, working in the Peace Corps, traveling to Australia, London and other locales.

Fun read - I liked the semi-true stories more than the fictional ones but it was all entertaining.

Friedman is currently trying to get on the ballot for Governor of Texas. I think it would be great if he succeeded. You gotta love the slogan - "Kinky Friedman Why The Hell Not?"


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