Off To The Races...

The day is finally here. I'm packed and getting ready to head out the door. Got all of the important stuff:

JJ Shirt for today
JJ earrings
JJ Pit Crew Cap
Digital camera and extra batteries
Sharpie in case I get close enough for an autograph
Oodles of money for SWAG which will fill in my wardrobe for the rest of the weekend

I felt silly packing my big suitcase but I know I'm going to end up buying everything under the sun so I'll fill it up.

Go Jimmie! And, for my race buddies, Go Rusty! and Go Michael!

Vroom, Vroom!


Crime Dog said…
Like I'm supposed to know who "JJ" is? Whoever he is, please tell him to mix in a right turn turn once in a while to make it more interesting.
Cheesehead said…
Um, JJ=Jimmie Johnson who is only the first place driver in the series. And completely dreamy...

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