The Long And Short Of It

Sugar Daddy told me if I ever want to bash him in my blog, I can safely do so in any post that's more than three paragraphs long. It doesn't even have to be buried somewhere in the text, he automatically skips anything that long. I don't think it's an ADD type thing as he can park his butt on the couch and watch four successive repeats of King of Queens without a problem. Guess it's just his personality quirk (one of many, many, many).

On the other hand, my friends Chris and Stacey told me they want more details (and therefore longer entries) in my posts. I told them that sometimes there just isn't that much more to say and their advice was to make stuff up. So, I will. About them. I'm not making up the stuff about Stacey coming on to me, though. That is all true.

I guess it's one of those times where you can't please everyone so I'll carry on as before. I'd call my style fairly verbose so there will probably be a lot more longer posts than shorter.

And, would it kill Sugar Daddy to carry an empty glass into the kitchen instead of leaving it in his office or on the coffee table or in his bedroom? Geesh - what a slob! hee!


Anonymous said…
"SD" is a big boy, let him carry his own dishes back to the kitchen...never thought of you as a hand maiden.
Cheesehead said…
Don't worry - I leave them to him or the cleaning people. I just don't like looking at them...

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