It's Been Quiet, Too Quiet

Sugar Daddy got home Thursday after an 8 day trip to Great Britain. One would think I'd have been blogging about how wonderful it was to be out from under his despotic thumb but I didn't want to advertise to any axe murderers that I was home alone. Do we have a prevalent problem with axe murderers in our neighborhood? No, not that I'm aware of. But, I'm a big scaredy cat with an overly active imagination so I didn't want to take any chances.

Here's how much of a scaredy cat I am:
I got nightmares from watching Buffy and Angel.
I get nightmares from reading books about monsters and killers. When I read Salem's Lot, I ended up staying awake for over 36 hours because I was too chicken to close my eyes.
When I stay alone in a hotel, I have to check the closet, shower and under the bed for intruders.
Before I turn off the bedstand lamp, I have to check on the floor on the other side of the bed to make sure no one is there...I do this in my own home.

I know. I have issues.

So, it was with mixed emotions that I dropped him off at the airport. Eight days of being free from tyranny are great but knowing that my odds of getting chopped up by an axe murderer went from 50% to 100% in his absence is not so great.

As soon as I got home from the airport, I checked that all of the doors were locked. We never leave them unlocked, even when we're home but it's better to be safe. Then I closed the blinds in the living room that overlook the back yard. I don't think anyone can actually see in through them unless they jumped our fence but still....

Once I was all safe and sound, it was great! I got to sit on the couch and read without the TV on and without someone saying "Wouldn't you rather read in your room?" Heaven! Around 10, I loaded up the dishwasher then jumped into bed to do a little more reading.

Suddenly, I heard noises in the kitchen, like someone was out there messing around. It wasn't the ice maker, I'm used to that since my room shares the wall with the fridge. So, I crept out to look and was the dishwasher. I usually sleep with my door closed so the sound is usually muffled. Feeling silly, I got back into bed. About 15 minutes later, I heard a car alarm going off in front of the house. My car was in the driveway and I wasn't sure if it was mine or not but I wasn't going out there in my Kitty PJs so I could jacked along with it. The alarm stopped after a few minutes so I figured, oh well, if my car was gone I'd find out in the daylight.

I didn't sleep very well and first thing in the morning, the car alarm went off again. This time, I was brave enough to go check - it was daylight after all. Turns out, it was the neighbor's car.

The rest of the week went really well. I didn't have to watch any reality TV or reruns of reruns that we've seen before and one night, I didn't even turn the TV on at all. Gasp!

The morning after Sugar Daddy got home, I noticed he had opened all of the shutters and that night, he was back to bitching at me for being home on a Friday night. So, everything's back to normal now.


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