Ranting – This was no way to start my day…

So, I’m making the 27 mile trek into work today and the low fuel light goes on about 4 miles from the house. There’s literally only one gas station between my place and the freeway and I consistently have trouble with my Wells Fargo debit card there but I was stuck since I didn’t want to risk running out of gas.

I pulled into the aforementioned Mobil, swiped my card and got a “Card Not Read” message. Already starting to swear, I got my credit card out of my purse and, when I tried to swipe that, the pump then read “Pump Shut Off”. I tried the Clear button to no avail then stomped inside to pay cash.

However, I had to dodge a few maniacs who must have been jonesing for their morning java pretty bad by the excessive speed they were running in the parking lot. Hey, Mario, if you’re so desperate for overpriced, crappy coffee, why don’t you brew some at home and save some pedestrians?

Back at the pump, I started filling then went to clean my windshield. Snap! The pump stopped about $2 in of my $20. At this point, I’m swearing out loud (my Grandpa Albert would have been so proud) and loudly. I restarted and gave watch over the whole process to make sure there were no more hiccups.

Transaction completed, I headed out to the street and stopped one car (actually big ass truck) before the intersection in the left turn lane. The leading green turn arrow comes up and…nothing. The dumbass doesn’t move, despite me honking at him. The light turns green for all lanes and…nothing. He continues to sit there and doesn’t even turn at all through the entire light. I was just dumbstruck at this point. He did do a little stretch so I’m thinking maybe he was asleep?

The next arrow comes up and I was prepared to push his stupid truck from behind (which would have done wonders for my Hyundai) but, fortunately, he decided to turn this time.

All this within 15 minutes of leaving home made me hope it wasn’t an omen of the day to come. Fortunately, it was just the usual today and not ugly at all. Of course, I’m not safely home yet…


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