Concert Review - U2

I caught U2 for the first time on Friday night. Good show with a nice mix of songs and Paula scored us great seats. I'm not a huge fan so there were a few tunes I didn't know but they did all of the favorites. A nice change from concerts today, the lights dimmed promptly at 8 PM for the opening act. It seems that starting times are only 'suggestions' at a lot of shows I go to. The openers, KOL (stands for something I didn't catch) brought back memories of our 80s concert experiences. Loud, lots of base and indecipherable vocals. Even when the guy was talking, I was like, "Huh?"

U2 played a solid 2 hour set. The stage was cool, an elliptical walkway that came out on to the standing room only floor. There were also some really cool lighting effects and the neatest thing I've seen at a show; they had four big monitors and kept a camera on each of the guys so you could catch all of the action.

There was the expected do-good aspect to the show as well. They had people promoting the One campaign whose main goal is to fight the global AIDS epidemic and eliminate poverty in our lifetime. So, now I've added a white bracelet to my growing collection.

A couple of gripes...the guy in front of us yapped during most of the show. The only relief we got was when he went on a beer run. I don't get it. You pay a small fortune for good tix then ignore the show to talk to your buddy. Dumbass. He's lucky Paula didn't clock him.

Then there was the beer situation. During the intermission, we got into the Express drink line. Yeah, not so expresslike. First, a guy held up the line for-freaking-ever. I went on a recon mission and found that he was on the family plan. Everyone from his group was jumping in to grab a beer as he held the place. Not cool. Then, a group of giggling girls (by girls, I mean skanky Peg Bundy wannabes in pleather) maneuvered their way to the front. Each of them paid for their own drinks...with a credit card. I swear, none of them had cash. WTF? Seriously, WTF? Do you not have $10 on you that you need to hold everyone up? Why didn't we jump lines, you may ask? Well, the Express line was the only one with the big beers and, when you're shelling out $8, you want to get the most for your dollars. U2 came on before we got to the front of the line so we bailed and watched the show sans beverages.

Before you start feeling too sorry for us, we'd already had two beers each. The first time, I bought and the woman behind the counter asked for my ID but not Paula's. I was letting it go but Paula brought it up. My assumption was that it was policy to ask whomever was buying. On our second purchase, Paula bought and the guy carded us both. Hmmmm. I asked my friend Chris who was there as well and she didn't get carded at all. Hmmm again. I think Paula and I look the same age so I'm guessing my inherent immaturity must show through somehow.


Anonymous said…
What Kathy fails to point out about the whole carding thing is that she was dangling a twenty in for of their faces with a post it note on it that said, " card me and this twenty is yours!" And U2 was fabulous, as always! Best live act you'll ever see. I am not merely a fan, I'm obsessed and have been for 25 years now...


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